
Nected OnPremise

Installation using Helm charts

Nected Onpremise Architecture


  1. An external Application Load Balancer with Ingress.

  2. Map 4 domains to loadbalaner
    • <<frontend-konark-domain>>
    • <<frontend-editor-domain>>
    • <<backend-nalanda-domain>>
    • <<backend-vidhaan-router-domain>>
    • Configure external access only if rule/workflow API or webhook needs to be reachable from outside.
  3. need to enable storage drivers, e.g: for AKS:
    az aks update -n <Cluster Name> -g <Resource Group> --enable-disk-driver --enable-file-driver --enable-blob-driver --enable-snapshot-controller

Deployment steps

  1. Add Nected Repo:
     helm repo add nected https://nected.github.io/helm-charts
  2. Download sample files into values folder:
  3. Update following values in “values/*.yaml” files, adjust Ingress annotations based on ingressClass, and consider switching domains to https in case going to use SSL certificates.
    • <<LicenseKey>>
    • <<frontend-konark-domain>>
    • <<frontend-editor-domain>>
    • <<backend-nalanda-domain>>
    • <<backend-vidhaan-router-domain>>
    • <<MongoPassword>>
    • <<PostgresUserName>>
    • <<PostgresPassword>>
    • <<ElasticUserPass>>
    • <<ingressClassName>>
    • <<pathType>>
    • <<DefaultUser>>
    • <<DefaultPassword>>
    • <<senderEmail>>
    • <<SendeName>>
    • <<emailHostName>>
    • <<senderUsername>>
    • <<senderPassword>>
    • <<ingressClassName>>
  4. When installing databases with nected’s chart, include datastore in the installation.
    helm install datastore nected/datastore -f values/datastore-values.yaml
  5. After deploying datastore, install Temporal’s admin tools and initialize its schema.
     helm install admintools nected/temporal -f values/admintools-values.yaml
     kubctl get pods
     kubectl exec -it admintools-temporal-admintools-xxxxxxx-xxxx -- /bin/bash
     export SQL_PLUGIN=postgres
     export SQL_HOST=datastore-postgresql
     export SQL_PORT=5432
     export SQL_USER=<<PostgresUserName>>
     export SQL_PASSWORD=<<PostgresUserName>>
     temporal-sql-tool --db temporal create-database
     SQL_DATABASE=temporal temporal-sql-tool setup-schema -v 0.0
     SQL_DATABASE=temporal temporal-sql-tool update -schema-dir schema/postgresql/v96/temporal/versioned
     temporal-sql-tool --db temporal_visibility create-database
     SQL_DATABASE=temporal_visibility temporal-sql-tool setup-schema -v 0.0
     SQL_DATABASE=temporal_visibility temporal-sql-tool update -schema-dir schema/postgresql/v96/visibility/versioned
  6. Now install temporal:
     helm install temporal nected/temporal -f values/temporal-values.yaml
  7. Install Nected services:
     helm install nected nected/nected -f values/nected-services-values.yaml

With all services running, access the application through the fronend-konark domain using the default username and password.